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Alice's adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll ; text adaptation and activities by Kenneth Brodey ; illustrated by Lucia Mattioli by Brodey, Kenneth Publication: Barcelona :Vicens Vives 2005 Physical description: 108 p. :il. col. ;21cm Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Plurilingüe de Carballedo (10), CEIP Plurilingüe de Carballedo (1),

Alicia no País das Maravillas / Lewis Carroll ; traducción, introducción e notas, Teresa Barro, Fernando Perez-Barreiro ; [ilustracións, John Tenniel] by CARROLL, Lewis Publication: Vigo :Xerais de Galicia 1992 Physical description: 181 p. :il. ;19cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Plurilingüe de Carballedo (14), CEIP Plurilingüe de Carballedo (1),

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